Saturday, December 5, 2009

Jordan Marquez Presents: The Top Ten Best And Worst of The Decade 00s - Number 6 Worst

Welcome back to the countdown, continuing at the top ten worst movies of the decade.

The #6 worst movie of the decade:
The Love Guru (2008)

Mike Myers has had a little trouble getting back on his feet after his own run with the Austin Powers and Shrek movies. I mean what did he do in between? Cat In The Hat? So he kind of disappeared while providing the voice of the ultimate animated green cash cow until he finally came back in front of the camera for the Love Guru. Somehow it runs the premise and humor as Austin Powers and even had a few people over from the series too. Meaning like Austin Powers, it plays on the same penis, balls and fart jokes only people below 14 would love. Is this a win for the studio? Not by a long LONG shot.

When Austin Powers played its adult and revolting humor in all three movies, it can ranged from clever to completely hacked. It was a trial and error technique, but the series made up for its clever parodies of the James Bond franchise and the lovable and very funny characters such as Dr. Evil, Mini Me and Frau Farbissina. The Love Guru plays like Austin Powers' retarded cousin without the likeable characters and good humor. One after another, you slapped in the face every dick jokes they could possibly throw at you. Not one of them is funny. I mean there is a word called "variety". Do we get a variety of humor instead of a f*ckin dick joke? You come back in front of the camera just to give out dick jokes? F*ck you! Well ok there was a few variety in humor, taking a stab on Indian culture. And they have no shame in giving the most awful impression of Indian people and culture. And not forgetting there are alot more immature jokes in this film such as midget bashings and elephant sex. This film was so frustrating and such anger-inducing, that I kept thinking myself "I liked this guy for Austin Powers, why is he doing this?"

For this film, this could be a career suicide for Mr. Wayne, Dieter and Austin Powers. Even if it doesn't kill his career, this will stick out like a giant thorn on his butt. He has alot of thinking to do if he was to do nothing but dick jokes.

Tomorrow, I will reveal #5 worst movie of the 00s. What will it be....

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