Friday, December 4, 2009

Jordan Marquez Presents: The Top Ten Best And Worst of The Decade 00s - Number 7 Worst

Welcome back to the countdown, continuing at the top ten worst movies of the decade.

The #7 worst movie of the decade:
Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle (2003)

What kind of name is McG? If he was a rapper, it would be fine. But as a director, is he too good to have a full name for the credits? I wouldn't be too trusting for a movie directed by someone named after a hamburger. So when he touched on one of my favorites movie franchises, I was very nervous about it. I mean McG's Terminator was... ok... But who wouldn't get nervous when you just saw Charlie's Angels: Full Throttle?

The first film was, in a way, fun. Sure it ripped off certain movies that was very popular at the time, but was enjoyable as it was completely dumb. Somehow McG took out the "enjoyable" in the this film, as he added a lot more dumbness. As the saying goes, "Making it bigger doesn't make it better". It didn't work for one film this year. It is a fine line where you have to bring out the logic and where you bring in the logic. It would have been ok if there were one or two things that were illogical, but this film brought up such a ridiculous amount of nonsense it was just insulting. So its saying that these angels were brought up like super soldiers with all the super advanced military training and intelligence known to man. Why does they just fight in the army and find Osama Bin Laden? Seriously I felt very insulted and ripped off. The angels were to be smart and strong women, but I still get the feeling they're still dumb bimbos. Not to mention they are not nice to look at. The story is so dumb, its not worthy of a dumb action flick. And the action sequences were short and unsatisfying. I paid money for this on the big screen and this is all I got?! F*ck McG and this movie.

Even though Terminator: Salvation amped up a notch on my trust to McG... (I still hate his name), its gonna take me alot more good movies of his to warm up to him. And seriously no more Charlie's Angels movies... And you call this Demi Moore's comeback?

Tomorrow, I will reveal #6 worst movie of the 00s. What will it be....

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