If there is one thing that got me into Flash animating and creating webcomics based on random and witty humor like the Max J Studio comics, then that is the web cartoon I grew up watching since senior high school called BONUS STAGE. To me, its one out of two most funniest Internet shows I have ever seen (and the other being Red vs. Blue). And it seems I couldn't let go of the show. Its witty clever writings and dialogues are forever stuck in my brain and its quirky animations and humor have me in stitches. You can see that he's really inspired by animators like Tex Avery and Chuck Jones. What it is about is just a bunch of slackers named Joel and Phil who unpredictably gets random wacky adventures every week along with Elly, Craig, Rya and other people too. Even with Matt Wilson not anymore producing anymore episodes and him absence from the Internet, the show are still getting alot of fans. You seen my gallery and how I always create fan illustrations of the show. A show that has that impact on me meaning its that good!
What makes me so happy now is that I just discovered that Matt Wilson is back on the Internet, working on new projects while working on shows shown on TV such as Kappa Mickey. And that Matt posted the entire episodes of Bonus Stage on Youtube! And I'm recommending you guys! If you need some inspirations for awesome animations and clever writing that matches Scrubs or you just want good laughs, then go check out his site http://bonusstages.com/ or his Youtube site http://www.youtube.com/user/BSMattW
Here is a Youtube video of my most favorite Bonus Stage episode:
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