Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Another blog site...

I'll try my luck with this blog site

Well hey, maybe I'm not cut out to be a blogger. I go on the Internet to look at videos and games, not to post up blogs about my daily life. I have my studies at Masters at RMIT, I'm doing animations and short films in my spare time and I mostly chat to people on the net. I haven't got time to blog. And I just forgotten the password to my CuteNews account for my official website, so now I have to bring down the news application for my website and will be replaced with this. Will I have the tolerance and time to keep updating my blog for anyone who cares to read.

I'll give this a shot. In my blog, I'll be talking about my days, stuffs that inspires me, movies and TV shows I have checked out and issues that are happening around the world. What I trust on this blog site is of the reputation that it brings out the creativity and influences from many bloggers.

I hope you look forward to many of my entries on my blog.


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